After that, you can run the program and select the most proper mode to scan. Download and install the software completely free. Here, we offer simple online guide to restore data using the software: If you need help for corrupted files recovery from any volume which has corrupted file / directory, you can make a try with iCare Data Recovery or consult our online help. To avoid causing data stored on the damaged drive to be overwritten or suffering any unknown disaster, we highly recommend you to recover files in the first step. Soluton #1 – Recover files in corrupted drive without formatting it When a disk drive reports its directory or file is corrupted and not readable, what do you want to do? You merely want to access the drive without caring about any data stored on it? Or you want to repair the problem without touching anything inside the drive? Below guide is aiming to fix corrupted file or directory with all data being untouched from the disk volume. How to Fix Corrupted or Unreadable Directory Problem - 8 ways Download iCare Data Recovery Pro Free to recover data from volume which has corrupted and damaged file or directory.